"Technology improves the conditions of our lives, and the humanities improve the quality of our lives." Based on this belief, Chaoyang University of Technology established the College of Humanities and Social Sciences in August, 1997. The University expects the College to provide a strong base in humanities, ethics and skills throughout the University. The College is composed of four departments (Communication Arts, Applied English, Early Childhood Development and Education, and Social Work) . Currently, Department of Early Childhood Development and Education, and Department of Social Work offer two master's programs: the regular program and the in-service program. Department of Applied English only offers regular master's program. The following is a brief description of the departments under the College.

台中市霧峰區吉峰東路168號 人文與科技大樓4樓(G-438.1)168, Jifeng E. Rd., Wufeng District, Taichung, Taiwan(R.O.C)
電話:04-23323000#7512~7514 | 傳真:04-23742367 | 電子信箱: humanity@cyut.edu.tw
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